+91 9500895009 , 044-47728585


kaaviya bricks, Saligramam,
Chennai-600 093

In Chennai, we offer the top producers of table-molded bricks. These are made from the highest grade raw materials, which are bought from trustworthy market suppliers. Due to its superior clay brick quality and good water retention qualities, the products we offer as Red Bricks in Chennai are highly sought after by customers. In Chennai, we are the top producers and suppliers of chamber and table modular bricks. We take great pride in introducing ourselves as a well-known producer and supplier of a variety of Table Moulded Bricks. These come in a variety of patterns from us.

We produce and distribute premium machine-cut and wire-cut bricks. All of our goods are constructed using premium foundation materials. To satisfy the needs of the client, these brick-making machines are constructed from premium materials and cutting-edge technology. The devices that are being offered are well-built and work well. It has been made from premium raw materials and is intended to perform at its best. In addition, we guarantee prompt delivery of our goods to satisfy customer needs.